How to book

To secure your vacation accommodation at UCT, use our dedicated online booking platform UCT Housing Online .

Further details, such as when bookings open for the upcoming vacation period as well as rates and check-in/check-out dates are available on the platform.

UCT students can apply for vacation accommodation by following these simple steps:

  1. Access UCT Housing Online and follow the instructions to submit your application for vacation accommodation
  2. Await confirmation from the Stay&Connect team that your application has been successful and your vacation accommodation is booked.
  3. Changes to your booking – such as a different meal plan, arrival or departure dates – can be requested once your booking has been confirmed.

Academic bookings

These are bookings where the student can prove his/her stay is for academic reasons. Students need to provide proof from either the faculty, department or sponsor stating the reason for stay. This booking charge will be sent to the student's fee account and needs to be paid according to the University's fee account policy.

Personal bookings

These are bookings where the student would like to stay during the vacation period for graduation (graduates are not allowed to have a balance on their fee accounts), holiday work not associated with academic studies, and similar. This booking charge must be paid in full upon making the booking for the duration of the stay and can be paid by credit card, debit card or via bank transfer.

Combination of academic and personal reasons 

These are bookings where the student would like to make use of vacation accommodation for academic reasons as well as personal reasons during the same vacation period. Charges for each accommodation type apply as stated above. To book, the student will need to:

  1. Apply for your vacation accommodation for academic reasons.
  2. Await confirmation of your booking for academic reasons.
  3. Once the booking has been confirmed, access your vacation accommodation booking on the online platform, submit a change request and submit the details of your personal stay.
  4. Once the change request has been confirmed, payment for your personal stay must be made upfront in order to secure your booking for personal reasons.